Saturday, December 18, 2010

me myself & i

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Volim mamu i soba:-)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010!

Fali im jedno slovo l u prezimenu, ah, samo problemi...:-)
Bio je to divan dan na krovu jedne trešnjevačke
zgrade...Ples, sunce, divna muzika i divni ljudi...Uživajte!
It was a lovely day on the roof of a building ... dance, sun, beautiful music and wonderful people ... Enjoy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Me sleeping in the garden..priceless

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Život u mnoštvu/Life in the crowd

Ovo me jučer oduševilo...HRT2, dokumentarac.
Milijun jedinki-jedan predivan um..pitam se je li to danas uopće moguće?!

This impressed me yesterday...documentary.
One million units-a beautiful mind...I wonder if is this even possible today?!

osvajanje Medvednice / conquest Medvednica (Nature Park)

A ovo me je oduševilo danas, opet, iznova..mir, malo sunca, zelenilo i pjev ptica...raj na Zemlji

And this impressed me today, again and again .. quietness, a little sunshine, greenery and birdsong ... Heaven on Earth

Friday, February 26, 2010

1. Možete nositi kao košulju
2. Možete podvrnuti rukave
3. Možete nositi kao jaknicu

1. You can wear it as shirt
2. You can roll up the sleeves
3. You can wear it as a jacket

šivala: ja
sewing: I

Monday, February 22, 2010

and for the moment i loose myself wrapped up in the pleasures of the world...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

UTF-8, 1.02.2010.ZKM,Zg, Croatia
video by Matilda

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trčim. Da ne zakasnim...
Zakasnila...Stala...Težišta me nisu čekala..
Ostala sama. Pričala. Igrala se prijestupa..

Ipak, upoznala divne ljude (u zadnje vrijeme ih često susrećem): A.Široki, Terezija i Tihana. Hvala Zrinki.

Super je kad te takvi ljudi iznenade svojim postojanjem. Ima ih! Yes!

Jela fini sir i pila fino vino.
Poslije opet. Bez sira (:

Volim. Sve što se dogodilo sinoć.

I'm running. Don't wanna be too late...
I am. Too Late. Stooped..Težišta didnt wait for me...
Left alone. Spoke. Playing violations...

However, met wonderful people (last time I met them often): A.Široki, Terezija i Tihana. Thanks to Zrinka.

It's great when you have such people who suprise you with their existance. They DO exist! Yes!

Eatin' fine cheese and drinkin' fine wine.
Later again. Without cheese (:

I love. Everything that happened last night.